Coniston, Swallows and Amazons
Original painting SOLD
From a favourite location at Bank Ground Farm, Coniston. Like many of Julie’s paintings since the 1990s, this is painted on an old map of the Lake District.
As a teenager Julie spent many holidays sailing in the Lake District and could not resist painting this scene.
Don’t miss the Swallows and Amazons tearooms and if you’re lucky you might see the skull and cross-bones fluttering down by the water’s edge.
Julie Colclough has spent a life-time painting in the Lake District. She has exhibited in numerous Lakeland galleries.
Her 2014 ‘Umbria to Cumbria’ exhibition at Kurt Schwitters’ Merzbarn in Elterwater was highly successful.
In the 1990s Julie had the good fortune to create a studio at her brother’s house in Ambleside, where Kurt Schwitters once stored his work and where sadly a previous owner threw many of his experimental collages on the fire after his death. We look at the old fireplace and cannot believe such work went up the chimney in flames. The hillside garden with panoramic views has been a huge source of inspiration for Julie’s sketchbooks and paintings.